
How to choose the right knife handle
Strength, durability, grip, aesthetics and of course cost are all part of the decision process for both companies
and you guys alike. As a knife making company handle materials are just as important as blade materials in some cases,
because you could have a fantastic blade, but if the handle isn’t comfortable or appealing then you either won’t buy it or
won’t use it.
Luckily for you there is a huge range of different handle materials out there! Most of which come as standard with the
knives, but if you’re feeling a little more adventurous you can always make your own handles! Handles types range from
G10 synthetic grips, rare and exotic rainforest hardwoods, various metals, even animal bone, and those are just the
common ones! When looking at a handle you don’t want to just consider the aesthetic appeal, but also the type of
material and the uses your knife or tool will have. Remember each material has its own benefits and drawbacks so
choose wisely.
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